The Thanksgiving Play - Nov. 2024 | Page 10

Henry and Ann Royer Kevin and Helen Royer Jan Russell Brian Saddoris Kelly Sallay Ryan Shellady Linda Shepard Brad Smith Janet Smith Roger and Lori Soppe David and Mindy Sorg Gary and Jan Stangland Tudy Streletzky Carl and Nina Swanson John and Sherry Swanson
Greg and Lisa Thirnbeck Gary and Maureen Thompson James Thorp Judy and Gary Trimpe Gretchen Van Heukelom Joyce Vogt Carol Wagers Denny and Patty Walsh Solveig Walstrom Ted and Trina Weiland Mike and Cathy Welch Guy and Terri Wendler Doug and Lori Wenzel Ron and Reagan Wesbrook Nancy and Bob White
Phil and Laura White Lori Wiles Linda Wiley Don and Deb Williams Paul and Gail Williams Tamara Williams Debra Winter John Wollner Ann and Andy Wooldridge Dale Wulf James Young Beth and John Zakrasek Michael Zmoos
* Denotes current service on the Board of Directors . ** Denotes current service on the TCR Foundation Board .
We strive for accuracy and apologize for errors or omissions . Space limitations do not allow us to list the many donors of less than $ 150 whose gifts are appreciated and vital to the theatre .
Recognition is based on a 12-month time period . Please renew your donation on an annual basis to maintain your recognition level and benefits . This list was last updated on September 12 , 2024 . To make a donation , visit theatrecr . org / donate or email Development Director Hannah Brewer at hannah . brewer @ theatrecr . org
www . theatrecr . org / donate
8 THE THANKSGIVING PLAY | theatrecr . org