The Tejas Pages 2011 | Page 24

Left: Joyce Urio, Aaron Stallings, Alex Bond, Taylor Ramos, Cassandra Hawkins, Juliane Lapierre, Sam Gutierrez, Nick Perry Blue Team >> krew, grub & rec >> Joyce Urio (22 | Arusha, Tanzania): “Joyce is tough all the time. It is so funny to hear her randomly crack up laughing. It makes my day.” Cassandra Aaron Stallings (19 | San Antonio, TX): “Aaron once pretended to be russian for an entire camp session. It worked. All of the kids believed him.” - Sam Alex Bond (16 | San Antonio, TX): “He is so funny. He is great to work with, even though he doesn’t really do much. His funny-ness makes up for it.” Taylor Taylor Ramos (16 | Giddings, TX): “Taylor is extremely hard working. If som ][???YY??[???H?\?] ??'H H?[H?\??[??H]??[?? ?[\K N?8?'?\??YH\?[?^\??XYH?]?H?[??H??&][??H??[?HX?H??\??]?H[?HYXY????]?[??]?]?\???'H H?[X[?H?[X[?H\Y\??H NH? ??\??YK?[?YJN?8?'?[X[?H\???[?? P?[?YX[???YYH?^H[?O??'H H?[HX[HXY\??[H?]Y\??^? NH?Y[??? N?8?'x?&\?H?\??X[HXY\?]?\?Hx?&\?[?^\??XYH??HY[???\?[?H[?^\???[?Y\????H\?????'H H?[X[?H?X??\??H M??[?[??[? N?8?'?X??[?^\??????YH\??[? ????]8?&\??Y\K??'H H[^????Z[X?[?[??^ MH?Y[??? N?8?'Z[YH\?[?^?[Y[H??Y?[[??[??\????????] ??'H H??????XH?X?? MH???Y?H?][? N?8?'???\??X?H?X]???\?[?x?&\????[???H\??[? ?H?[?[?^\?XZ?HYH]Y? ]?[????Y??^\??'H H]\?[??\??X[??\? M]\?[? N?8?'?\??\??H?^H???\???Y[??x?&[H?YH???????][K??'H???H???B??[?? M]\?[? N?8?'???H\??X[H?[\?[[???[?[?Y??\???'H H[??Z]\?[?XX\?? M??Y[??? N?8?']\?[??\??X[H?[??????] ??H[?^\?YH?Z[H?\??X?K??'H HZ[YH????YX[? ??X???????????????[?[??U?Y??Z[X?[?[??^ ???XB??X???\??X[??\????B??[??]\?[?XX\????????Y?\? ? LB??XY?^?[?L? LH?\? ??[? ???LK?K?LHN?MSB??