The Tejas Pages 2009 | Page 3

From the F amilies reunite, bitterness disappears, and brokenness heals. This is the reason we do what we do. Getting away to a secluded place provides an opportunity for a renewed strength in the Lord. We all understand the great importance of renewing our strength, but finding the time to do so is difficult. If we don’t, our joy is lost and the enemy begins to gain ground in our lives. The renewal of our strength in the Lord can come from many different places. The Lord tells us through Isaiah, “They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...” The word is encouraging on the surface, but what about the reality of it? What does it mean to “wait on the Lord” in real life terms? Who likes to wait for anything these days? Very few. The next time you are checking out at the store, pick the longest line instead of the shortest. Drive in the right hand lane behind the slowest vehicle on the road, patiently. Pick the airline route with the most layovers. Who does this? We do not want to wait, especially if it can be avoided. We talk about waiting on the Lord, but there are so many other options that seem to get the job done now. Waiting on the Lord is very easy to say and very difficult do. We’re not used to it and our schedules too often prevent it. Getting away to a secluded place with other believers is a great way to stop, wait, and gain new strength. It takes us out of the normal routine and provides an opportunity to simply slow life down. At that moment, the Lord has a new chance to be heard. There is nothing more important than a chance to hear the Lord. Over 15,000 people will visit Camp Tejas this year. About 7,000 are kids and youth. Another 5,000 are women with a ladies’ group. The rest include families, men, and other adult groups. They come to study God’s word, worship, fellowship, have fun, rest, and much more. We just want to provide a great place for this to happen, because when the body of Christ gets together in unity, the Lord is glorified and mighty things take place. And He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” Mark 6:31 Thank you for your support, CEO, Tejas Ministries, Inc. (CEO) Administration >> David Jones | Chief Executive Officer Paul Biles | Chief Financial Officer Kelli Biles | Office Manager Katie Beisert | Data Entry Billy & Janice Jones | Directors Emeritus Program Services >> Seth Gordon | Summer Camp Director Kelly Reat | Retreat Director Kristi Smith | Summer Camp Manager Jennifer Jones | Discipleship Manager Kim Newton | Media Manager Facilities >> Mike Newton | Facilities Director Matt Wall | Special Projects Manager Alfredo Villegas | Maintenance Manager David Dill | Maintenance/Grounds Keeping Vickie Keller | Housekeeping Manager Jeff Bailey | Maintenance/Construction Charles Wilson | Maintenance/Grounds Maria Rodriguez | Housekeeping Luis Villegas | Maintenance Lupe Hernandez | Maintenance Robert Perry | Maintenance Aaron Renfroe | Equipment Maintenance Jerry Andrews | Maintenance Food Service >> Michael Kase | Food Service Director Willie Mae Meyer | Cook Delayne Allen | Cook Shirley Orts | Cook Claudia Lopez | Cook Michelle Villegas | Cook Amelia Villegas | Cook Kathy Paluch | Cook XC Proch | Cook Joy Proch | Cook Melissa Boaz | Cook Rachel Lyons | Cook Janice Andrews | Cook Gift Shop >> Shannon Gutierrez | Carissa Christiansen Claire Wall | Lupe Harmon Tejas Board of Trustees >> Paul Godley | Temple Kelly Hudson | San Antonio Reby Lawler | San Antonio Kay Mc ]??????? ???????M????)I???A??????!?????))?????M???????M????????)5???Q????????!?????) ?????Y????????Q?????)I?????]???????M????????)?????]????? ???????M????()A!=Q