The Tejas Pages 2009 | Page 13

Summer (CAMP) Humility through Service > By Scott Daugherty recreation intern Perhaps our greatest asset and the one thing that we cannot obtain more of is time. Thus, whatever we spend our time on is the biggest indicator of what we value most, such as when we decide to spend our time with the ones we love most. If time is the biggest indicator of what we value, then what we spend our summer doing will show us where our hearts lie. Many people will spend their summers serving themselves by pursuing self-benefiting acts of pride. However, Christ has called us as Christians in Mark 8:24 that “whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” One of Christ’s biggest prerequisites for His leadership to be bestowed upon us, his followers, is that we must deny ourselves. We must give up our desires, plans, and image by humbling ourselves with the knowledge that His purpose is incorruptible. This required me to give up my biggest asset, the summer, to follow Him by serving kids at Camp Tejas. One of Camp Tejas’ primary ministry focuses is on the campers that we directly accommodate. However, our roles as the Summer Ministry Team aren’t necessarily ostentatious. Rather, our service to the campers resembles that of support, that campers may forget about their needs to better focus on a lifechanging week of camp. We scrub toilets, clean dishes, and lifeguard so that they can forget about the worries of the world and make growth in God the center of their efforts. Even though the work isn’t glamorous, the joy that propagates from seeing a smile stemming from our service resounds so much greater than anything the world may offer. >> > “If time is the biggest indicator of what we value, then what we spend our summer doing will show us where our hearts lie.” A summer camper races down the red slide at the pool. camp tejas magazine.indd 13 t 13 11/12/2009 1:15:51 pm