The Tech Tribune The Tech Tribune | Page 9

How does technology help you throughout the day?

“I can check my emails, like school emails. I can also check the time. It's basically my whole world in my hand and it keeps me on track with everything. It helps me a lot, actually. I don't know what I would do without it.”

What do you think are the benefits of technology?

“The major benefits are like Google and other search engines; you don't have to go to the library. You call anyone and not have to, like, go to a pay phone and use money.”

Have you ever had a problem with anyone or a fight online?

“Online, yes. Behind a computer screen it's easier for people to say how they feel rather than in person. Lots of people struggle from cyber bullying so that's a really bad negative of social media. I wish that were different but you can't stop bad people, I guess.”

I was very shocked with these answers. They gave me a different outlook on cell phones especially. I expected a teenager to say that they absolutely need their phone and social media. It was interesting to hear that isn't the case. It is a good thing that people can put down their phones. We spend way too much time online than in actual person that we miss experiences and new people. Technology is always changing, and the benefits of it are so helpful in our day and age. Me, as an 18-year-old girl, I didn't know what it was like to have to use pay phones and not be in close connection with the world around me. I couldn't imagine that. Basically what would we do without technology? It would be a lot harder not having the world at our fingertips.