The Tech Tribune The Tech Tribune | Page 7

For online assignments roughly how many students are able to complete them?

Most, if not all, students have computers. When my husband was just starting school and I wasn’t really making a lot of money as a TA we went to the store and picked up a cheap Chromebook. They’re a good option for an inexpensive laptop and can do almost anything that a standard computer can. For online classes you have to sign a contract that guarantees you have reliable access to internet and a computer

In your opinion, should all professors at PSU use Moodle?

That is a loaded question and hotly debated. At the very least I believe Moodle should be used for grades. The idea of instant gratification where students can see their grades as soon as they’re ready is something I like to embrace. Students can approach a professor and adjust their writing styles to the professor’s ideas. I think Moodle is a great place to post reinforcing materials. I know I post the PowerPoint presentations from classes so students can go back and look at them if they wish.

Even though Criminal Justice is not directly a technology major how many of your colleagues do you think take advantage of technology in the classroom?

Of the full-time professors in the Criminal Justice Department I would say most use PowerPoints at the very least. I can think of a few more that use other pieces of technology in their classrooms regularly. I believe that all professors use Moodle for grades.

Can having a cell phone connected to work become an annoyance outside work hours?

There are definitely drawbacks. I can recall times where I’ve received emails, not just from students, at crazy times of the night. One time I received an email from my Dean at 4am on a Sunday. Some students expect a method of contact 24/7 and an email at 1am is not out of the ordinary. Many of my colleagues won’t answer emails outside work hours.

What do you feel the overall your opinion of your students is on PSU’s Open Labs?

Students in technological areas seem to use Open Labs more frequently than others. I make sure to show them to my First Year Seminar classes and assign projects that encourage the use. They are a relatively new thing but I know of many students who have already made use of them.

President Brix’s approach seems to be putting lots of funding into technology and computers. Is this a good allocation of funds or can they be used elsewhere?

I support he use of funds this way. I know I have used them for meetings so they help professors. I can see how the money may be biased towards certain majors but they’re open to all students. It is important to use money and build our technology majors like Computer Science, Cybersecurity and Design.

Dr. Elvey’s interview shows how helpful classroom technology can be while offering a look into the life of a college professor that many don’t get to see. It is great to know how technology can be used to further the education and quality of that education. It is apparent that Plymouth State, both as a University and individual professors, allow students for the opportunity to take advantage of new technologies.