The Tech Tribune The Tech Tribune | Page 29


would probably want to see you face to face in their office. Double check with this information and really think about it. Because it is so easy to fall for this trap. Especially in your busy work or school day. Your not thinking and just want to fix all these problems fast so you just send the information to make it go away. Easy right? But no. Taking time to double check could save you from an even bigger mess in the long run. And save your money from being stolen as well. The saddest part of this all is elderly people are the most vulnerable to this. How many people have tried to teach their grandparents how to use a computer? It takes hours to teach them how to work an email. And hours just teaching them how to copy and paste…. but we give them technology because that is normal in this time period. And we want them to experience this technology with us to be able to contact them on Facebook and such. So we teach them a little and then drop the computer or phone or Ipad off. Hackers know this. They feed on people who are less advanced in technology. A case I studied was about a old lady. She lived alone in South Carolina, , and all of her family lived in Michigan. She got a phone call one day from someone trying to sell her products. She was not interested but this man stayed on the phone with her for hours. This man had a conversation this old lady about his life and how he had no money and lived on his own. The old lady felt so bad for him and they began to talk on the phone everyday for months. One day this lady bought him a brand new car. . This man was a con artist and got a free car out of this women. But what could law enforcement do? This man was her friend in her eyes. This is how clever these criminals are.

Work Cited

Admin. “Learn about Cybercrime.” ACORN - Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network, ACORN, 1 Dec. 2015,