Intel Corporation
National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA)
National Association of REALTORS® (NAR)
National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO)
News Media Coalition
Professional Aerial Photographers Association, International (PAPA)
Small UAV Coalition
Toy Industry Association
ARC Objectives
The FAA charged the ARC with the following three objectives:
1. Develop recommendations for a performance-based standard for the classification of micro
• The charter stipulated that, in developing the recommendation, the ARC should
consider, at a minimum, current and past research on human injury thresholds,
hazard and risk assessment methodologies, and acceptable levels of risk to persons
not directly participating in the operation.
2. Identify means-of-compliance for manufacturers to show that unmanned aircraft meet the
performance-based safety requirement.
• The charter advised the ARC to evaluate the use of consensus standards as a means
of compliance, developing standardized test methods, and other means to
demonstrate compliance with the standard. The charter further advised the ARC to
consider and recommend how the FAA and manufacturers should determine
compliance with the performance-based standard.
3. Recommend operational requirements for micro UAS appropriate to the recommended
performance-based safety requirement.
ARC Meetings
The ARC met during a 3-day period from March 8 - March 10, 2016, for the purpose of education
and information gathering, and a s