The Stradbroke Monthly December 2013 | Page 4

Local Churches Page 4 All Saints, Stradbroke 1 December - 11.00 am Village Gift service for Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal – unwrapped gifts please. Followed by Coffee/Tea 8 December - 8.00 am Holy Communion 15 December - 11.00 am Holy Communion Followed by Coffee/Tea 22 December - 6.30 pm Carols and readings with candlelight 24 December - 4.30 pm Crib service (note the new time) Christmas Eve - 11.15pm Holy Communion at Weybread church Christmas Day - 11.00 am Holy Communion 29 December - 10.00 am Sancroft Benefice Communion at Withersdale church 2014 5 January - 11.00 am Village service Followed by Coffee/Tea 12 January - 8.00 am Holy Communion 19 January - 11.00 am Holy Communion Followed by Coffee/Tea 26 January - 8.00 am Holy Communion Followed by Coffee/Tea 26 January - 4.45 pm Tea/cake - 5.00 pm informal service 2 February - 11.00 am Village service Followed by Coffee/Tea st th th nd th th th th th th th nd Rev Susan Loxton 01379 388493, Church warden, Peter Chetwynd 01379 384069 If you have any questions about Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals, or any questions about the Faith, please contact Rev Susan. All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee The pampered Chef Party was quite well attended and raised £224. On the other hand, the Pumpkin Festival in the Church was a disaster, with no Stradbroke children coming. We had 2 from Essex who thoroughly enjoyed themselves we managed to raise £31.70 selling pumpkin scones, pie, cake & coffee. On Dec 7th we have our Xmas Cake Stall in Church Street 8.30 onwards donations gratefully received. Last but not least we welcome Julie Hughes onto our committee in Jan in place of Anne. The committee wishes you all a Happy Christmas & Peaceful New Year. Dates for 2014: Feb 8th cake stall; March 4th Pancakes/Beetles; March 8th Cake stall + potatoes; April 30th- May 5th Art Exhibition; June 21st Coin on wall + cakes; July 5th Coffee morning; July 26th Village show; Aug 9th Village Fete; Sept 19th Harvest supper; Oct 14th Wine tasting; Nov 22nd Coffee morning; Dec 13th Cake stall. Mary Ellis A Message from Rev Susan December is here! Have you ordered the turkey and written your Christmas cards? Or will you be eating chicken and sending virtual cards this year via the internet? Have you wrapped the presents? I confess I had my presents wrapped by the middle of November, the meat ordered and the family Christmas get together decided upon - our family Christmas happens on the 20th this year. Our son David is getting married on Dec 27th; I am taking the service and we are all looking forward to celebrating with him and his fiancée Adele. I wonder if you have seen the John Lewis Christmas advert on T.V. I was amazed that just a few days after it was shown on television nearly seven million people had watched it on YouTube. But when I watched it again and listened to the words I think I understood. You see in many cases Christmas has either been hijacked by consumerism, or it is just an excuse to have a party, and we can easily forget what it is really all about. I think all the interest in the advert is partly because deep down we know that Christmas is not about food or presents, but about something far more important. The singer in the advert sings “the simple things where have they gone, I’m getting tired and need someone to rely on”. The birth of Jesus shows us that God is not above us or against us but rather AMONG us. With the birth of Jesus Christ, God has truly become ‘Emmanuel’ - God with us. This surely is the most extraordinary and important event in history; the infinite became a vulnerable infant so that he could know what it is like to be human. Yet he is God and will not let us down, but has a plan for each of our lives, plans to prosper us and not to harm us. So this Christmas when you are wrapping presents or singing carols remember that the greatest gift of all is waiting to give you his love, comfort and hope for the future. May Christ, who by his incarnation gathered into one things earthly and heavenly, fill you with joy and peace this Christmas time. Amen. Take care and God bless, Susan