Creating Economic Access to Change the Narrative, p1 | Page 25

A Champion Interview by Charlene Sanjenko


It was an immense pleasure to recently sit down with Chaitra and speak with her about her changemaking journey that intersects inclusive technology , impact partnerships , and digital solutions for good .
A Champion Interview by Charlene Sanjenko



Chaitra , I have a saying , " When we put together impact deals like we do other business deals , our world will change for the better ." Within the last year , you have put together an incredible deal that started with a vision for the impact you wanted to make ( along with some epically bold goals !), established a transformative fund ( Movies By Women ), shared important narrative-shifting films , won industry awards , formed smart partnerships needed to bring them to life , and walked bravely into the unknown as a true innovator !
Now that you have walked through the whirlwind of the past year , what is your top-of-mind reflection or celebration ? I wanted to be in a place where I could learn and create innovation with smart people that the world needs today . There were no women in tech who had created a film fund , so we learned how to create the fund , an award-worthy short documentary “ ICONS ” in five months with 19 industry leaders , two hollywood feature films , AI readiness programs and more . We received standing ovations at Oscars Week , SXSW , SIFF and won awards at the Santa Fe Film Festival . This is just a start of what impact can look like .


Can you tell me where your internal fire comes from - your drive to make positive change ? My family comes from an army background . I learned at a young age the value of camaraderie , moving as a tribe , a unit , a community of support for family and with family based on trusted relationships that bring everyone along when you are working towards a focused mission .
Read the rest of this interview here .