The Story of US - Intro issue - March 2024-FINAL-final 1 | Page 29


Nourishing Your 2024 Experience !

As you prepare to walk into Spring 2024 , describe the experience you most want to create . Perhaps it includes travel , a creative project , new relationships , or growth opportunities .
Write down these thoughts or sit with them and journal for a few minutes . We invite you to revisit these again at the end of this Spring season - what will have changed by then ? Where will you be in as you continue to step forward in your optimal 2024 experience ? What new questions might you have for yourself ?
We invite you to co-create this process with us by taking part in our seasonal Regenerative Masterclass sessions . These sessions are free and provide a safe space to explore the process of designing your ultimate 2024 experience .
You can register here to be notified of the details of our 2024 live sessions .
April 13 9-10:30 am PT | Noon-1:30 pm ET July 13 9-10:30 am PT | Noon-1:30 pm ET October 5 9-10:30 am PT | Noon-1:30 pm ET December 7 9-10:30 am PT | Noon-1:30 pm ET 2025 BY DESIGN January 4 9-10:30 am PT | Noon-1:30 pm ET