The Story of US - Intro issue - March 2024-FINAL-final 1 | Page 24


There ’ s a Bigger Role to Play ! Activate to Acclimate with Brand Allyship

BRAND ALLYSHIP : when Impact Marketing intersects . Inclusive Innovation and Integrated Engagement to shift our future ' s narrative .

✔ Beyond business , what is your bold vision for how you are contributing to society to make it better ?

✔ Beyond the status quo , how is your brand ’ s living legacy demonstrated in the marketplace ?

✔ Beyond corporate social responsibility , how is your brand consistently building integrated external engagement ?

✔ Beyond blatant and obvious advertising , how is your brand experienced by consumers ?

Together , we can tell a more memorable story , encourage measurable action , and build trust with your stakeholders . Charlene SanJenko recently hosted a conversation with Julie Davitz , CEO , Plus Media Solutions , to dig into all that is possible through the vehicle of impact marketing to fuel your integrated external engagement strategy , give voice to your values , and build a more authentic connection with your consumers .

Watch the video here

The advertising industry is ripe for change , and we ’ re inviting you to be on the leading edge of it . There ’ s $ 1 trillion dollars on the table . Let ’ s use it , for good - to great . We invite a conversation about Brand Allyship opportunities with reGEN media . You ‘ ve got a leading role to play . Let ‘ s connect to get you involved .