The Story of US #3 - October 2024 | Page 7

For me — and for many of those in my circles — 2024 has been a big year of releasing , of deep cleaning our lives , work , relationships , of honoring and then releasing all those things that may have served us in the past , but which are no longer supporting us in our journeys .
Now that we are in the autumn of 2024 — the season in which all of nature allows what it spent the spring and summer creating to wither and be released — I invite you to take one more survey of all that surrounds you , all that you are investing your time and energy and resources in and see what else can be let go . How fully can you cleanse and winnow down , so that you may prepare yourself for the winter season of rest and rejuvenation ?
If you ’ d like to explore this question in community and with guidance , join me for a free master class on November 9th for an Autumn Release Ceremony .
Naomi McDougall Jones Head of reGEN films Co-Lead of reGEN global studios
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