IMPACT Visioning and Team COHESION | Page 31

When a team envisions the impact they ' re striving for and recognizes their role in achieving it starts individually to build collectively , energy ignites , and cohesion builds .

Bull ’ s Eye Impact

When a team envisions the impact they ' re striving for and recognizes their role in achieving it starts individually to build collectively , energy ignites , and cohesion builds .

In a world where work has transformed with hybrid models , technological advances , and a focus on wellness and agility , preparing a team for the next season , transition , or project must align with these new realities . reGEN ’ s proprietary framework is here to help . Better leadership for better decisions .

Impact Visioning Circles are facilitated sessions ( circles ) that build intentionality , clarity , cohesion , and energy . They are a perfect precursor for strategic planning , heading into a new project , initiative , or goal , launching into a new season , sales cycles , fundraiser , or year .
VISION ignite the full transformative potential available by articulating it . IDENTITY find greater clarity with space to express it to unlock dormant potential . IMAGINATION open up to possibilities to infuse new energy and excitement . INTERCONNECTEDNESS explore collective power to experience more magic . INTEGRATION harness bull ’ s eye focus and build cohesion with proven best practices . IMPLEMENTATION embody new habits and invite intentional micro changes immediately .