Recently , a piece of news shook me to my core — the horrific Kolkata rape case that occurred in India on August 9 , 2024 . As a father , this inhuman incident has left a deep scar on my soul . How can some human beings behave with such cruelty ? This tragedy has intensified my fears and protective instincts as a father of a daughter . It ’ s terrifying to think of the dangers that lurk in this world , and I can ’ t help but feel scared and , at times , helpless in my ability to shield her from such horrors .
The bond between a father and daughter is a relationship woven with threads of unconditional love , silent understanding , and moments of quiet strength . It ’ s a connection that transcends cultures and traditions , yet each culture leaves its own unique mark on how this bond is perceived and cherished .
In India , the saying " Beti paraya dhan hoti hai " ( A daughter is another ’ s treasure ) captures the bittersweet reality that many fathers grapple with . The knowledge that one day , their daughters will leave them to start a new life elsewhere is an emotionally drenching thought , one that stirs deep within the hearts of those who have daughters . It ’ s a tug-of-war between the joy of seeing them grow and the sorrow of knowing they will , eventually , walk a path that might take them away .
As an Indian father raising a daughter in today ’ s world , these cultural nuances are more than just words — they constantly hammer my mind . When I became a father to my daughter , it was as though all these societal expectations and traditional beliefs collided with my personal hopes and dreams for her . I wanted her to have the freedom to soar , unburdened by the constraints that society often places on women . But I also knew that this wouldn ’ t be easy , not in the culture I was raised in .