Head of reGEN Films , Naomi McDougall Jones , has teamed up with 2023 Regenerative Creation Cohort alumni , Richa Rudola , as well as filmmakers Lela Meadow-Conner and Sarah Moshman , to create Meals About Motherhood .
The motivation of this initiative is simple : a desire to engender more open and honest conversions between people about motherhood .
It ’ s about being a mother , not being a mother , the decisions , consequences , and factors that arise from both - using curated pieces of media as a tool to expand our dialogue , over a shared meal .
On November 3rd , the inaugural round of Meals About Motherhood will be held in 10 + cities and towns across the North American continent .
If YOU would like to host one of these meals ( it can be as simple as inviting friends over for a potluck ) and / or learn more about this initiative , visit mealsaboutmotherhood . com
Richa Rudola
Naomi McDougall Jones
Lela Meadow-Conner Sarah Moshman