The Story of the Amitabha Stupa, Sedona Arizona 1 | Page 21
Building the Bumpa
Building the rounded dome, or
bumpa, on the top of the Stupa’s
throne was perhaps the most formidable task in the entire construction
process. Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche
asked the crew to leave an opening
in the front of the bumpa to serve as
the access point for filling the upper
chambers with offerings. This opening was later closed off to create a
concave space to house the high
relief of Buddha Amitabha.
Because the opening would destabilize the form during the concrete
pour, it had to be temporarily closed
off and filled with a water and sand
mixture. The mixture had a density
similar to concrete, which kept the
bumpa form stable and circular.
Another challenge was to create a
form for the stupa’s faceplate that
would frame the image of the Buddha
and connect tightly to the bumpa.
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
software helped to determine the
appropriate shape.