from 1700 to 1790, and hand wrought The plan of the house measures 25 feet outer door. A conclusive detail in favor of nails from 1790 to 1820. in width and 28 feet in depth and upon close this assumption was found when some After taking into consideration differexamination was found to have been identimodern boards on the first floor ceiling ences due to locality, transportation, comcal on the first and second floors. The origwere removed by the enthusiastic museum munication, nationality, and station in life, inal plan contained a room partitioned off in staff, and the second floor beneath the which factors would affect the use of buildone corner, apparently for living purposes, upstairs meeting room was found to have ing methods, we find we have a list of dated leaving an L-shaped room wherein it is twice as many floor beams as the private details. Armed with these we can examine assumed meetings were held, as this room room of the same floor. Obviously, the masan undated structure and by comparing the on both floors had access to the stairs or the ter carpenter thought it necessary to give detail found therein with the known dated ones, arrive at a date of construction and also dates of subsequent alterations or additions. In this manner 63 Arthur Kill Road was carefully examined with the purpose of placing its date of erection before 1700 and thereby establishing it as the Voorlezer’ House. The building is set close to the Arthur Kill Road facing the road and the southeast. As one would expect, it is a simple and plain appearing building, yet somehow pleasing, as all old structures are, du H???YH[?Y?[?X?H]X[]H\?\?[?????H??????[??[??Z[?H?Y??[??[?\?H?Z[[??\?????Y\?Y??][?]X?[?H?\?[Y[??]?[??[??H??Y]]?[?H?[????[?H?Y??Y[X?\??[???[?Y\??]?H[?\?X\?X?[H]Y?\??H[?H???^?\??&\??\?H??H\?