Sp tlight:
Kyle Butler
Graduation Year
Current Title, Position
Director of Sales, West USA – TrackMan Golf
What are some of your best memories when you
think of your time in the program?
Looking back, I have absolutely ZERO regrets about choosing Mississippi State and the Golf Management Program. That’s coming from someone who didn’t play on the High School Golf Team, ever take a
lesson, or work at a Golf Course prior to coming to Starkville. However, 4.5 years of memories is what makes that time so special! Wearing out Jeff, Adam, and Ms. E in between classes in the PGM Office, to the Weekend Tournaments, eating at The Grille every night during Summer School, and the valuable experiences of my internships all allow me to reflect on the extraordinary years
at MSU!
While in the program, who were some individuals/mentors that had an impact on your life?
There’s no doubt that the previous Program Director, Jeff Adkerson, played a role in helping shape me into who I am today. I can also appreciate the guidance from Josh Willis (Crosswater Club), Chad Parker (East Lake GC), and Angie Chrestman who was our Internship Coordinator. I also looked up to many of the older students in the Program for their advice and guidance.
Who would be in you dream foursome and where would you play?
My Dad and Grandfather who both got me into this game, along with Wife, Rebecca. The game would be at Royal County Down in Northern Ireland as I absolutely love the history, style, and shot making required on a links course such as this! I suppose if they allowed a fifth, I’d send an invite to Tiger, too!
What advice would give to a young PGA Professional?
I would encourage you to find what brings you joy and a passion within the Game and Industry. If your dream is to be a Director of Golf, continue to work towards that. If you immerse yourself with coaching and instruction, go find an opportunity which allows you to do just that! There are so many different positions and avenues out there so don’t be so narrow minded. Be open to new ideas, challenge yourself, but have love for what you do. Take advantage of having a strong network as this is what has allowed me to be where I am today. Lastly, I’ve always enjoyed the quote from Charles Darwin, “It’s not the smartest or strongest who survive, it’s those who are willing to change and adapt”.