The State Bar Association of North Dakota Winter 2015 Gavel Magazine | Page 13
reverses recent federal court decisions limiting the Treasury
Department’s authority to regulate the conduct of persons who, for
compensation, advise or represent taxpayers.
Resolution 105 Dangerous Wild Animals
The Tort and Trial Insurance Practice Section proposes a resolution
seeking the enactment of comprehensive laws prohibiting the
private possession, sale, breeding, import, or transfer of dangerous
wild animals, such as big cats, bears, wolves, primates, and
dangerous reptiles, in order to protect public safety and health, and
to ensure the humane treatment and welfare of such animals.
Resolution 107A Presumption Against the Use of
Restraints on Juveniles
The Criminal Justice Section asks the ABA to encourage adoption
of a presumption against the use of restraints, like shackles, on
juveniles in court and to permit them only after a hearing and
finding that the restraints are the least restrictive means necessary
to prevent flight or harm.
Resolution 107B Intimidation of Witnesses Via
Social Media
The Criminal Justice Section seeks to highlight the dangers of
victim and witness intimidation through social media and Ѽ)