The State Bar Association of North Dakota Winter 2014 Gavel Magazine | Page 6
The Young Lawyers Section of SBAND
(“YLS”) is partnering with the Great
Plains Food Bank to host Feed your
Community: a statewide food and fund
drive from March 31 through April 4.
We are graciously seeking various law offices in Williston, Dickinson, Bismarck,
Minot, Fargo, and Grand Forks to host
a food bin and collectively donate food
and funds.
Members of YLS will be distributing bins to various law firms in these
communities who wish to participate in
the food drive. The food bin will allow
the attorneys and staff in your office a
convenient location for which to donate
food. The members will then collect
any donated food at the end of the day
on Friday, April 4. Although people are
encouraged to donate food, it is also
possible to donate money through an
online website. All of the donated food
will stay in the community in which it is
raised, and the funds will be distributed
In addition to helping a worthwhile
cause, a friendly competition among the
bar communities is always fun. Great
Plains Food Bank will be quantifying the
pounds of food raised and the amount
of funds collected from each community
into the number of meals provided. We
will then determine which bar community fed the most members of its
community. In an upcoming issue of The
Gavel, the winning community will be
recognized, along with those firms who
participated in the YLS Feed your Com-
munity event.
If you are located within one of the
aforementioned communities, please
consider helping those in your community who are less fortunate. Keep an eye
out for an email from SBAND, which
will contain the contact information for
how to participate in the YLS Feed your
Community event. This email will also
contain the online website for monetary
We are looking forward to your participation in the Young Lawyer’s Section
Feed Your Community event.
The Gavel Winter 2014