The State Bar Association of North Dakota Winter 2014 Gavel Magazine | Page 28
mid year meeting house
oF deLegates ChiCago 2014
Jim Hill
ABA Delegate
As usual the proposed agenda of the
ABA House of Delegates for its Mid
Year Meeting is diverse and intense.
While including a number of proposed
Uniform Law Resolutions a number of
other unique proposals await the work
of the House. The entire agenda is on the
ABA webpage and comments from the
SBAND are always welcome and strongly
encouraged. Some of those that have
relevance to North Dakota include the
resolution 102B –human trafficking
The ABA Model Business and Supplier
Policies on Labor Trafficking and Child
Labor include eight black letter Principles, with an “Introduction,” a “Model
Glossary,” “Commentary and Guidance”
in connection with each of the Principles,
and endnotes. The Policies are intended
to assist businesses in identifying and
addressing issues of labor trafficking and
child labor in their operations.
The four black letter Principles contained in the Model Business Policy portion of the Policies are: (1) the business
will prohibit labor trafficking and child
labor in its operations; (2) the business
will conduct a risk assessment of the risk
of labor trafficking and child labor and
continually monitor implementation
of this Policy; (3) the business should:
(i) train relevant employees, (ii) engage
in continuous improvement, and (iii)
maintain effective communications
mechanisms with its suppliers, and; (4)
the business will devise a remediation
policy and plan that addresses remediation for labor trafficking or child labor in
its operations.
The four black letter Principles contained in the Model Supplier Policy portion of the Policies are: (1) the supplier
will prohibit labor trafficking and child
labor in its operations; (2) the supplier
will conduct a risk assessment of the risk
of labor trafficking and child labor and
continually monitor implementation
of this Policy; (3) the supplier should:
(i) train relevant employees, (ii) engage
in continuous improvement, and (iii)
maintain effective communications
mechanisms with its suppliers; and (4)
the supplier will devise a remediation
policy and plan that addresses remediation for labor trafficking or child labo