The State Bar Association of North Dakota Winter 2013 Gavel Magazine | Page 11
These are the questions in the six units in which the students competed in the January 16 state finals competition:
• What are the philosophical and historical foundations of the American political system?
Unit Three judges listen to presentations. They are from left, Dr. Chad Litton, University of Mary; Bill Neumann, SBAND Executive Director, and Illona Jeffcoat-Sacco, North Dakota Public Service Commission.
• How did the framers create the Constitution?
• How has the Constitution been changed to further the ideals contained in the Declaration of Independence?
• How have the values and principles embodied in the Constitution shaped American institutions and practices?
Hillsboro High School students listen to feedback on their Unit 6 presentation. They are from left, Nichole Nilles, Jakob Hurt and Jake Pederson.
Bishop Ryan student Leighton Nichols makes his presentation for Unit 3.
• What rights does the Bill of Rights protect?
• What challenges might face American constitutional democracy in the 21st Century?
Justice Daniel Crothers gives students feedback.
The Gavel February 2013