The State Bar Association of North Dakota Summer 2014 Gavel Magazine | Page 2
know. I think local bars are the heartbeat of
the legal profession in North Dakota. They
foster the interaction between attorneys in
the region, which is central to the collegiality
of the profession. They enable new attorneys
to meet on an informal basis with other
attorneys in the region, including older,
experienced attorneys, as well as the local
judiciary, and interact in a way that not
only is instructive, but also leads to a much
smoother justice system.
Planning for the 2015 Annual Meeting
in Bismarck is underway. If you have any
suggestions for that gathering, please let me
know. At this stage, everything is on the table.
President, SBAND
I’d like to thank the lawyers of the State
Bar Association of North Dakota for
choosing to elect some new, young blood,
to head the state’s 2,664 licensed attorneys
for 2014-2015.
Many years ago I was proud to say I knew
most of the lawyers in the state. This is
certainly not the case anymore, but I look
forward to meeting as many of you as
possible during the coming year.
Please feel free to email, text or – for
those of us troglodytes who still actually
phone people – give me a call with any
suggestions you have regarding the services
SBAND can provide you or, services you
think SBAND can discard.
When I finally wrested the president’s
gavel from now past-president Nancy
Morris at the superb June SBAND
Annual Meeting, I said one of my goals as
president would be to revitalize local bar
associations. I really meant that.
If you’d like to have me speak to a meeting
of your local bar association, just let me
This is a remarkable time in the state’s
judiciary, and I’m proud to be a part of it.
There are now 47 district court judgeships
across the state and roughly 20 percent have
been filled by new judges by appointment
or election in the last 18 months. By North
Dakota standards, this is an amazing
change of personnel, and in a way reflects
the unprecedented changes the state is
experiencing with the Bakken Boom and our
rapidly expanding population.
This will bring the need for even more court
personnel, from judges to clerks of court
personnel and other positions, in the coming
years and means the judiciary will be seeking
additional judgeships and personnel in the
2015 Legislative Assembly. Getting this done
will be a chore.
One of the perks of being president is to
attend the investiture of new judges and
present them with an inscribed gavel on
behalf of SBAND. It was a pleasure on July
18 to present an SBAND gavel to the state’s
newest – and youngest – district court judge,
the Hon. Stacy Louser, Minot, who joins
the North Central Judicial District panel
of judges to help with that district’s everincreasing case load. Judicial investitures are
one of those rare legal proceedings that I call
happiness events; i.e. everyone involved is
happy and proud to participate. I think the
only other legal proceedings that matches
investitures in universal happiness status
are adoptions. Well, there also may be some
divorces that fall into this category also, but
I’m not quite ready to grant them this status
as yet, despite unrelenting pressure from exin-laws.
Judge Louser takes her place as the state’s
45th district judge. Number 46, Judge Jerod
Tufte, will be invested sometime in August
to assume the position formerly held by now
retired Judge John T. Paulson, Valley City.
The 47th judgeship, in Bismarck, will likely
be filled by gubernatorial appointment by the
time you read this article.
The 2015 Legislative Assembly holds its
Organizational Session December 1-3, to
select its leaders and committees, and to
generally get itself ready to start operating on
its official start January 6.
Every attorney in North Dakota can play a
vital role in the legislative process by taking
the time now – and I really really mean now
– to meet your local legislators or legislative
candidates and talk to them about the needs
of the state’s judiciary in the upcoming
SBAND can lobby 24 hours a day at the
session, but nothing has more impact on
legislators than contacts and input from their
constituents…and that’s you. Please take the
time now to make connections with your
Again, many thanks for allowing me the
privilege of serving as your president for the
next year. With your support and cooperation
we can together make this a great year to be a
lawyer in North Dakota.