The State Bar Association of North Dakota Spring 2014 Gavel Magazine | Page 4
of these committees. The Member Services
Committee reviews present membership
services, assesses additional services that
may benefit SBAND members, and makes
recommendations to the Board of Governors.
This committee has been meeting regularly,
and has agreed to continue to meet quarterly.
The committee looks for programs that may
be beneficial to members and discusses those
at each meeting. For example, LawPay, a new
member benefit, started with this committee,
and then was approved by the Board of
Governors. New member benefits being
discussed include options for moving CLE
materials on-line, and other ways to connect
electronically with members.
SBAND Executive Director
“Progress is impossible without change,
and those who cannot change their minds
cannot change anything.” George Bernard
At the end of 2013, there were 2,731
lawyers licensed in the state. That is the
most in our history. By comparison, at the
end of 2003 there were 1,840 attor