The State Bar Association of North Dakota Spring 2014 Gavel Magazine | Page 19
Although there will be great discussion on the size of state
delegations it is not likely that the two positions that are presently
allocated to North Dakota will be changed. That likely will be the
minimum constituency for a state of our size and will not likely
be reduced. That makes it all the more important to fill the two
positions. Our “voice” in the HOD while not large in numbers
should not be diluted. There appears little desire to increase the
size of the House of Delegates. But the fight will be to expand
representation from the Sections and Divisions and whether the
at-large position allocated to minorities and women will continue
into the future. That means the numbers come from some other
Departing Thoughts
First, the journey has been fabulous. To represent this Association
as I have these years has been a true privilege and joy. I like to
think I have earned the respect of SBAND and have appropriately
represented the interests of our SBAND. I never once missed
a meeting of the ABA House of Delegates and rarely (if ever)
missed a meeting of the BOG of SBAND. I am not going away
too far. My status as North Dakota State Delegate (while taking
me away from the monthly meetings of the BOG of SBAND) will
always keep me in contact with our marvelous practicing bar. My
new position also gives me the opportunity to continue work in the
area of Governance on the national ABA level and participate as
a member of the Nominating Committee who elects the Officers
of the ABA. There will be more meetings but a different timetable
and a different venue.
My thanks to an extraordinary SBAND staff who over the years
have made my job as SBAND ABA Delegate easier in every
respect. I will miss the regular direct interaction with the SBAND
Board of Governors and the amazing young lawyers who fill the
roles of District Representatives each year and the fabulous lists
of Presidents with whom I have served, along with a talented list
of Executive Directors. And my most sincere thanks to you, the
members of this Association, for allowing me the privilege to serve
as SBAND ABA Delegate.
I look forward to my shifting role as North Dakota State Delegate
and will make every effort to interact with SBAND as my work
continues at the ABA. To my wife, Charlotte, I owe you the
most—with this shifting role and position I will still be at the
ABA and you’ll be with me. Thanks for all your incredible support.
I will try to make up for the times I was at every SBAND Meeting
and the long weekends you had to spend alone while I attended
the BOG meetings.
See you all in Fargo in June.
The members and staff of the State
Bar Association of North Dakota
would like to thank Jim Hill for his
many years of dedicated service on
the Board of Governors. His efforts
have made a difference for not only
the association, but for all who have
had contact with the legal profession.
Thank you, Jim, for your commitment.
Breakin g D ow n t he Bas ics
Divorce 101 Video Available! Those unable to
attend can order the materials and video (DVD)
of the presentation. Materials will be provided
FREE if you agree to accept a Pro Bono Case
through SBAND’s Volunteer Lawyer Program.
Self-study materials are available for purchase
at a cost of $200. Please visit our website for details.
thank you
SBAND would like thank Michael L. Gjesdahl and Leah J.
duCharme (pictured) for presenting the Divorce 101 CLE on
March 7, in Bismarck. The audience was very impressed with
the dedication and expertise of the presenters.
SPRING 2014 19