The State Bar Association of North Dakota Spring 2014 Gavel Magazine | Page 16
The North Dakota Young Lawyer Section
(YLS) is enjoying continued success in
its support and programming for and
by young lawyers. The YLS is continuing
its assistance with the development of
a statewide mentorship program. In
addition, the YLS partnered with the Great
Plains Food Bank to host “Feed Your
Community,” a state-wide food and fund
drive. The YLS will provide details of the
total amount of money raised and the
total number of pounds of food donated
in the upcoming issue of The Gavel.
The YLS’s Education and Professionalism
Committee will continue to host webinars
this spring. Young lawyers – and other
licensed lawyers – will be invited to
participate in the webinars. Please be on
the lookout for upcoming webinars.
Please contact Jim Hoy, YLS PresidentElect, at [email protected] to
recommend young lawyers for a future
showcase or to get involved in the YLS.