The State Bar Association of North Dakota Spring 2013 Gavel Magazine | Page 23
Judicial Circuit, in conjunction with the Family Law Advisory Group in Florida provide a publication entitled Parenting Plan Guidelines.12 While Florida law requires a similar “best interest’ analysis for parenting planning, in contrast to Montana and North Dakota, Florida generally rejects the premise that a child’s best interest is served by designating one parent as a primary residential caretaker, finding that “the concept of locationengendered stability (one home, one bed) has been incorrectly over emphasized for infants and toddlers without due consideration for the greater significance to the child of the emotional, social, and cognitive contributions of both parent-child relationships…[l]iving in one location ensures only one type of stability—to that place…[noting that][s]tability is also created by predictability… [w]hen a child can predict the comings and goings of both parents, regular mealtimes, regular sleeping schedules, consistent and appropriate care and affection and acceptance, they will fare well!”13 While Florida’s underlying presumption regarding location-engendered stability contrasts the longstanding viewpoin ?]??[??H?[X\?H??YH\?[??\??\??\?][??\?[?[???K??Yx?&\??ZY[[?\???[??[??[??K\????Y?H?[?[?Z?H]?[?[?K[Z]?\??Y?\?[?[??[YH\??[H[?\??[?[?\?][??\[?[???H]?[?Y[?[?Y?H?H?[?M??Yx?&\?[?[?Y??\??H\?[?[??[?]?\??H[??[??]Z[H[????[Y[??]HX??[?\?[??[\?X?\??YX?X?H??][?\?[??\??X?Y]?HH?X?\??\?H?X?[]H??[??[??[??K\????Y?H?[?[??MHH?ZY[[?\??]^[?]?H[??XY?H[???YH\?H?]???[??[??[?????H?\???HYX\??8?'HX??[?\?[???[?[?HZ[?[][H?LZ[?]\????\??[?H?YH?H[??[?XX?^HY????X?K?]Z[?[][K??X???[?H]?\?H?\?^K??HY?H
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