The State Bar Association of North Dakota Fall 2015 Gavel Magazine | Page 4
SBAND President
Work-life balance. Three words that seem
so easily accessible. But in truth, it is very
difficult to find a balance in life. There are
many experts on the subject who speak at
CLEs across the country. A simple internet
search for “work-life balance” brings up
many articles. I don’t profess to be an expert
in this area, nor do I profess that I have
somehow achieved the perfect balance
between home life, kid activities and exercise,
and the demands of a litigation practice. I
can, however, say that I have long thought
about how to achieve that elusive “work-life
I recently delivered remarks at the swearing
in ceremony for our newest lawyers at the
end of September. I urged them to seek
balance in their lives and to be well rounded.
But what does this mean? What does it
mean to be “balanced” in life or to be well
rounded? What does it mean to have a
“work-life balance?”
To answer these questions I draw on two
sources. First, my own experiences that
guide me in every day activities. Second, the
words of those who have written extensivel