The State Bar Association of North Dakota Fall 2015 Gavel Magazine | Page 25
to any resident of the state whose
unencrypted personal information
was, or is reasonably believed to have
been, acquired by an unauthorized
person. The disclosure must be made
in the most expedient time possible
and without unreasonable delay,
consistent with the legitimate needs of
law enforcement, as provided in section
51-30-04, or any measures necessary
to determine the scope of the breach
and to restore the integrity of the data
system.” 6
Second, wide-spread data loss can threaten
a law firm’s ability to continue operating.
“Resilience for organizations has evolved
from emergency preparedness that centered
on protection of data and information
systems to the more comprehensive,
standardized mitigation of risks for the
continuity of business products and
services.”7 The authors continue, stating:
“Today’s threats require the creation
of an ongoing, managed response that
ensures the survival and sustainability of
a law firm’s or association’s core activities
before, during and after a disruption.
Law firms of all types and sizes must
not decide for themselves to implement
the minimum requirements for effective
business continuity, including whether
they desire to purchase cyber insurance
coverage in addition to the insurance
coverage that the law firms may already
have in place.”8
business from injury or property damage.
However, most standard commercial lines
policies do not cover many of the cyber
risks. . . . To cover these unique cyber risks
through insurance requires the purchase of a
special cyber liability policy.”10
Hack: Canadian Law Firms File $578M Lawsuit
The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook
authors suggest that, “[w]hile having strong
security measures may help mitigate and
even ward off cyber threats, the magnitude
of the costs associated with a breach may
lead to a decision that the risk of loss
associated with a cyber breach should be
passed off to a third party.” 11 Given the
cybersecurity realities, lawyers and law firms
probably should make risk of loss allocation
decisions part of their business operations,
and consider whether a special cyber-risk
insurance policy is warranted.
Introduction, The Gavel (Winter 2015) at 24, available
Bloomberg, Data breaches don’t just affect retailers
Against Adultery Website’s Parent Companies, available