The State Bar Association of North Dakota Fall 2015 Gavel Magazine | Page 13
reported feces being left on the home front
porch. Another respondent reported never
replacing a worn out tire because they were
getting spiked, “generally on a day I had
Number of Threats Received
The Survey requested those respondents
who identified themselves as recipients of
threats and violence to indicate the number
of threats they received. A total of 108
respondents reported they had received
threats in the practice of law. Of the
respondents who were recipients of threats
and violence, 83.3 percent received more
than one threat during their legal career.
Threats and Violence
as a Public or Private Attorney
The Survey asked respondents to identify
whether the most recent threat(s) and
violence experienced occurred while they
were employed as public or private attorneys.
Of 108 respondents, 48 (44.4 percent)
identified the last threat and violence
occurred while employed in private practice,
47 (43.5 percent) occurred while employed
in public practice, and 13 (12.0 percent)
indicated that it occurred while they were
employed in both public and private practice.
These responses suggest that North Dakota
attorneys experience threats and violence
regardless of whether they are in private or
public practice, while the number of threats
and violence may differ based on the specific
area of practice.
Locations of Threats
The Survey asked members of the North
Dakota legal profession to identify the
location/s where they experienced threats.
Not surprisingly, respondents identified the
most prominent locations of threats and
violence as the business office (73 responses)
and the courthouse (54 responses). However,
many respondents reported the occurrence
of threats and violence at other locations,
including at home (15 responses) and
elsewhere (31 responses), For example,
attorneys reported threats and attacks made
while at jail, home, stores, a motel, a gas
station, traveling to and from court, and a
public parking lot.
The reality is that work-related violence and threats of violence
can come from any side of a given case and can occur beyond
the courthouse and office, regardless of one’s area of practice.
FALL 2015