The State Bar Association of North Dakota Fall 2013 Gavel Magazine | Page 4
Tony J. Weiler
SBAND Executive Director
Fast, busy, rewarding – all words I
use to describe my first five months as
executive director of the State Bar Association of North Dakota (SBAND). I
am humbled by the opportunity to serve
as executive director, and I look forward
to the challenges members of our profession are facing and will face in the future. I will need the help of the SBAND
membership in continuing SBAND’s
tradition of service.
I’m guided by SBAND’s mission:
The mission of the Association is to
serve the lawyers and people of North
Dakota, to improve professional competence, promote the administration of justice, uphold the honor of the profession
of law, and encourage cordial relations
among members of the State Bar.
As an Association, we’re growing. We
now have more than 2,600 members,
with more than 1,500 living in North
Dakota. We are in an era of new opportunities and potential for great rewards.
SBAND will play a pivotal role in assisting members and preparing for changes
in the manner in which law is practiced.
The mission statement guides the
decisions made by those in leadership
positions in SBAND. It sets lofty goals.
SBAND is governed by a 14-member
Board of Governors (BOG) – hardworking, dedicated attorneys. The Board
sets policy and it is my job to work with
the SBAND staff to carry out policy decisions and serve members of the
SBAND works through a number of
committees with leadership provided
by SBAND members. President Nancy
Morris has set a goal of revitalizing
committees, appointing members with a
desire to serve and the ability to make a
difference. Nancy has been busy working
on committee appointments, and under
her direction, the SBAND staff is working to make each and every committee
active and relevant. In doing this, we’re
studying the responsibilities of each
committee, the structure of the committee system, and whether committees and
their assignments should be re-aligned.
President Nancy is determined that we
will make good use of the time members
of our association give to SBAND.
SBAND has programs that serve our
st ate. The Volunteer Lawyer
Program provides an opportunity for lawyers to help those
in need. The Pro Bono Task
Force worked hard to find ways
to continue providing service
and also provide service beyond what is typically thought
of as pro bono work. Pro bono
work isn’t charity – it is part of
our obligation as a profession.
SBAND will not diminish the
service we provide our membership. The SBAND staff is
determined to add value to Bar
membership, and we’re open
to your suggestions about how
we can do so. Please feel free
to contact me with suggestions
and comments!
While change is a given, there
is a constant for lawyers. We
make decisions every day which
impact clients and shape us
as lawyers. Professionalism and
ethics are not only important
tenants of those decision, they
make us who we are as lawyers.
Striving to do the right thing
is often difficult, but it is necessary in all
our dealings, professional and personal.
I’m proud to be a lawyer,
and I hope you are, too.
I appreciate the opportunity to serve as your
executive director.
The Gavel Fall 2013