The State Bar Association of North Dakota Fall 2013 Gavel Magazine | Page 32
RULE 3.1
continued from pg. 9
Webster no longer volunteers for the organization or when the organization no longer requires his services. Rule 3.1 requires
that a lawyer not be paid for his work, but
allows the legal services organization to
cover the volunteer’s actual expenses, if it
so chooses.
While Rule 3.1 restricts a lawyer’s ability
to practice, other requirements normally imposed on lawyers in active status
are lifted. For example, there is no fee
imposed on lawyers applying to practice
under the Rule. Also, lawyers admitted
under Rule 3.1 are not required to undertake Continuing Legal Education courses
unless the legal services organization for
which they volunteer requires it. In this
instance, Webster will be encouraged to
attend the two CLE seminars offered by
Legal Services each year.
Rule 3.1 gave Webster a chance to return
to his roots and give back to the legal
services organization that helped start his
legal career. The Rule provides experienced lawyers an opportunity to volunteer
their time without having to go through
the long process of bar re-admittance.
Legal services organizations will benefit
from the much-needed aid these lawyers
can provide. And hopefully, Webster is
the first of many to take advantage of the
Rule and provide an immeasurable benefit
to their communities and to the State Bar
Association of North Dakota.
Either your an active
attorney...or you quit,
and I decided to quit.
The Gavel Fall 2013