The State Bar Association of North Dakota Fall 2013 Gavel Magazine | Page 14

NEW BAR ADMITTEES In a September 27 ceremony in the House Chambers at the North Dakota State Capitol, 50 lawyers were admitted to the North Dakota Bar and welcomed by state officials, fellow lawyers and family and friends. Chief Justice Gerald VandeWalle told them they are entering a changing profession. “It always has been a changing profession but it continues to change at a more rapid pace. Two engines driving change are technology and the globalization of the practice of law. But there is one thing that should not, must not change. That is your -- our -- dedication to core values of the legal profession. Those values are generally held to include honesty, integrity, competence, client confidentiality. And civility.” Other speakers were State Board of Law Examiners member Lawrence King, SBAND member Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley, Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem, University of North Dakota Law School Professor Margaret Moore Jackson, and State Bar Association president-elect Jack McDonald. “The need to keep balance in one’s life is critical,” King told the new lawyers. “Balance professionally, personally and with community involvement.” “The practice of law will present you with a variety of challenges, both large and small,” said Wrigley, who brought greetings from Governor Jack Dalrymple. “Keep in mind that the meaningful triumphs in this profession are made on behalf of others.” Speaking on behalf of the University of North Dakota School of Law, Jackson said, “Now that you’re on your own, released from school and newly licensed, my advice to you is that you learn to learn from experience – because there are more challenges ahead and additional goals to accomplish. As you begin your career as a lawyer, examine your preparation, your methods, your habits, your processes; then reflect upon your results.” 12 NEW LAWYERS WELCOMED TO NORTH DAKOTA BAR IN SEPTEMBER CEREMONY She encouraged the new lawyers to engage in constructive self-critique. “Pay attention to how others navigate the terrain, noting and incorporating some of what they do well and making sure to sidestep their pitfalls.” “Each time you work through a new problem, or complete a negotiation or a hearing, ask yourself, ‘What did I learn this time? What will I do differently next time? And what will I be sure to do again, because it worked for me?’” she said. Stenehjem told the new lawyers that they need to consider themselves members of both their legal community and their local community. “In your future, you will certainly be called upon to give back to your community. North Dakota has many outstanding civic leaders, but never enough.” He said volunteer groups, civic organizations and non-profit corporations will seek them out for involvement because of their unique training and knowledge. “Serve on a board of charity. Join a service club. Run for public office. I believe it is your obligation as a lawyer to become involved in such causes. You will be much richer for it, and so will your city and the state where you live.” McDonald encourged the new admittees to take their new profession seriously and to take part in their local and state bar association activities. “It is important to the legal profession in North Dakota that lawyers take an active role on both the county bar association level and the state bar association level in furthering the goals of our profession,” he said. “The hallmark of a professional is giving back to that profession.” The individuals who met all of the requirements for admission based on the bar examination are: Alyssa Albus Stephen Baird Matthew Barber Sarah Barry William Behrmann Brittany Bergstrom Brittney Blake Marquis Bradshaw Zachary Burmeister Christel Croxen Andrew Eyre Margaret Eyre Austin Fauske Stephen Fetch Jacob Geiermann Raymond Grabanski Kirby Graff Erich Grant Brittany Hatting Charlie Hendrix Jared Hines Seung Mi Hong Stacey Hummel Christopher Joseph Thomas Kading Anne Lawrence Christopher LeCates Megan Lindquist Michael Mahlen Michelle Mahlen Tyler Malm Casey Moen Ashlei Neufeld Aaron Nicholson Amy Pikovsky Brandon Pittenger Steven Podoll Andrew Pritchard Morgan Reinke Shannon Rogers Angela Simerly James Thompson Leslie Weigel William Wiebolt Isaac Zimmerman The following individuals were admitted having met all of the requirements for admission based on eligibility by practice or test score: Kathleen Barrow Kelly Fancher Kristen Galster Seth Thompson Janna Wittenberg The Gavel Fall 2013