6 The Stardom Magazine | Debut Issue
it would be when you are actually in the class. This prevents
less stress because everything is
veryone assumes uni- not completely new or foreign to
versity is hard. Actually you.
many first year students
drop their average by
Take notes on paper. That's
20%, but that does not have to
"write"! Even if you type
happen. Wheter you are new or quickly, having a laptop with wifi
continuing student. These steps is not a good mix. Students tend
are bound to ignite change in to update their Facebook
your grades.
statuses or check
out their twitter
Prepare. Make sure you have during lectures.
a lot of notebooks, binders, Take away the
pencils, pens, erasers, high- tempting distraclighters and so on. You must aim tion and take
to be organized. Have a pencil notes on a piece
case with everything so your of paper. Listen
pencils don't break in the bottom well and analyze
of your bag, and
everything is easy
the professor is sayto find. Label your
ing, then right down
notebooks and try
the important or emto use the color
phasized points. Have
coding system so
a voice recorder to go
you can quickly pull
back to if you miss or
out your green
couldn't hear a part.
math book if you
After, rewrite the
come in late.
same notes in your
notebook. This way, you process
what you have learned and your
Study ahead of time. Take notes are clean and usable.
the time to look at what you
will be learning in classes and
use your trimester holiday time
Do not procrastinate. In unito learn and get ahead. Memoversity and college, you will
rize the definitions for certain have up to a month to complete
words, review your notes from a project or essay. Do not let this
last year, watch videos of his- time go to waste! If you cram,
tory, and practice your language your work will more likely be
skills. The more you know before trash. If you start ahead, you can
the actual class starts, the easier take your time. You can prepare
and plot, and even get professionals to edit and help you with
it. Trust me, it is much better
knowing you are 98% done a
week ahead of time than forgetting about it and realizing you
have to do a 8 page essay in two
Study every night. It is much
easier and less stressful if
you study and
memorize everyday rather than
being a passive
learner and expecting to remember everything for the
exam. If you review every night,
and go back every so often, everything is already in your mind,
and exams would be a breeze.
Ask questions. Most classes
come with a tutorial or a certain time when you can go to
your professor or teacher’s assistant (TA) to ask questions. Use
this time wisely. If you are ever
confused about something, don't
choose to leave it that way! They
are there to help you! Some
teachers would even over look
your essays and work if you
show it to them. Ask for explanations and even ask what would
be on the exam. There are somethings they won't say in class or
during the lecture, but are willing
to give out if you ask about it.