THE STARDOM Debut Issue | Page 25

The Stardom Magazine | Debut Issue 25 Trello Trello is that app that maybe sits unused on your phone for a while – until that day when you’re assigned that dreaded group project. When a group task does arrive, Trello comes into its own, allowing you to collaboratively organise group tasks and view everyone’s progress at a glance. An absolute lifesaver. 0 Google Chrome Chrome is a fantastic mobile browser for the same reasons it’s a brilliant PC one – it’s less intensive on your phone, has a nice clean design and is easy to use. For phone and tablet users, the best feature is tab syncing – meaning that your tabs can follow you from your PC or Mac onto your phone and out of the house. On your mobile. 0 Camscanner Camscanner and Genius Scan both offer great ways to forego expensive photocopying in the library and are much better than taking pictures with the camera app – they help you frame the best possible picture of your document before saving it as a PDF or text file of your choice for easier reading. Stupidly useful. 0 Snapchat Snapchat is just an ingenious idea; you send videos and pictures, decide whether to overlay text or scribbles, then send. The catch is that the media deletes after an allotted amount of time, meaning that the recipient will often never be able to show others what they received. Rude, lewd and often hilarious, it’s the perfect companion to student antics. 0 Readability A lot of students have heard about the usefulness of Instapaper – but many don’t know about the free and equally as useful alternative Readability. Save web articles from your PC, Tablet or Phone to your phone’s memory so that you can read the article later – when you may not have access to the Internet. Super useful for sending articles to your tablet or your phone to read on the bus or train. 0