14 The Stardom Magazine | Debut Issue
Once you have your resolution organized,
it’s time to actually implement the plan.
Start making changes in your life that you
know will work long term. Be committed
and don’t cheat.
anuary 1st of every new year brings
a frenzy of goals and resolutions.
New year, new you. You, version
Resolutions need to be specific and de2.014. But how many actually follow
tailed. They need to highlight the goal, and
through with those resolutions? Do you?
suggest a way to go about reaching it. If
Most find themselves back to their old
you’re simply making a resolution saying
habits by the beginning of February bethat at some point in time I’d like to do
cause they make typical resolutions that
this, you’re never going to get around to
everybody makes. So this year, leave those actually doing it.
yawn-worthy resolutions behind.
Don’t forget that New Year’s resolutions
Unsurprisingly, a recent Poll found the ten aren’t only for the month of January, or
most common New Year’s resolutions are even the first quarter of the year. New
those same resolutions I’ve made, and
Year’s resolutions are for the entire year,
heard my friends make throughout the
and even for life. Come next trimester
years. They are: lose weight, improve ficheck back in on your resolutions and
nancial budgeting, exercise more, get a
evaluate how you’re doing. If you’ve
new or better job, eat healthfully, manage slipped back into your old ways, it’s time
stress more effectively, quit smoking, im- to start fresh. While you may have lost
prove a relationship, stop procrastinating, your way, you don’t have to wait until
and make more time for yourself. These
January to start again.
resolutions are boring and they almost
So this year let’s all make a resolution of
never come true in the end.
“out with the old and in with the new.” No
They key to making a successful, yearlong more generic resolutions that will never
resolution is to create a resolution that fits allow you to succeed. No more goals that
your specific needs. It needs to be realis- are impossible to reach and no more false
tic, and it can’t be a generic “I need to lose expectations. Let 2014 be the year that
weight.” How much weight do you need to you actually do make a change for the betlose? How do you plan to lose this weight? ter. It’s finally time to be the person
By when do you want the weight to be
you’ve always wanted to be.
gone? How do you plan on keeping the
The first step is just to initiate the change.
weight off? These questions are overwhelming, but you need a plan in order to
actually start going to the gym and eating