The Stamp Act February 2014 | Page 6

He is the prime minister. He is the person that passed the stamp act. It still hasn’t been passed yet, but it will. I wanted to find him to warn him that when he passes it, there will be a lot of protestors. When the lady I walked up to finally answered I took Dylan and we headed up to where Grenville and the entire parliament were. “Hello are you George Grenville?” I asked. “Yes.” He answered. “I came here to tell you that passing the Stamp Act will not be helpful in any way, you think it will help bring you money for military supplies, but why go through all the protesting when you can not pass it and go onto other more important things like the Declaratory Act.” Grenville interrupted and said “Excuse me miss, I don’t have a clue of what you are saying. I didn’t tell anyone about the Stamp Act, and what is the Declaratory Act?” I answered by telling him that I am actually not from this time period. “I am from the future. I traveled here with my friend Dylan and we just came back in time on an invention called a time machine. We thought that maybe we could change history. We aren’t actually from around here. He answered more calmly than I thought he would. “So that’s why your friend is dressed in those silly clothes. “So tell me more about the future and why I shouldn’t announce that the Stamp Act will be passed. “The Declaratory Act of 1766 was a British Law, passed in mid March by the Parliament of Great Britain, The colonists celebrated the repeal of the Stamp Act and their political victory,” I explained to Grenville. That’s not all I said to him. I explained it in more detail. “Okay. Thanks for saving me trouble. I’ll announce the Declaratory Act tomorrow!” Replied Grenville. “Bye!” said Dylan. “Okay, I’m glad that’s over. Now we need to find Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry. They are the peo- ple that didn’t like the Stamp Act. When I see them I will tell them that the Stamp Act will not become passed. He will be confused, but who doesn’t want to talk to Samuel Adams?” “There they are!” I pointed over to space where there were only two people. Samuel, and Patrick. Dylan and I walked over to see two men angry. “Hello? Samuel and Patrick?” I asked. “Yes.” one of them answered. Then I told them what I said to Grenville. The thing about how we are actually from 500 years in the future.