On January 10th, 2006 after my daughter had been in hard labor for almost thirty seven hours,. For two hours and 6 mins my daughter pushed every other breath to bring her child into this world. When the head of her child was finally seen by my eyes, I knew it was almost over. Her miracle was about to become a reality. My older daughter had the camera on and taping, but in an instant all the joy we felt turned into despair. My older daughter was told by the staff to turn off the camera NOW! I looked down at my grandchild and he was completely BLUE. As the doctors work diligently to revive and restore the life into my grandchild, I started to PRAY. Asking My God to please let him live. He had worked so hard to get here and my daughter had worked so hard to bring him here, so please SPARE his life. Now what happened next was completely out of this world. What was being said in my MIND and what was coming out of my MOUTH was something competely different, or at least that is what I thought. This language that was coming from mouth I had never spoken before or since that night. I was speaking in TONGUES. I began to cry uncontrollably, my body began to shake and my teeth chattered as if I was outside in the snow. At that percise moment, I heard him CRY. It was one of the most beautiful sound.. they cleaned him up and laid him across her stomach. That was eight years ago and today he is a happy, healthy beautiful grandson of mine who we call Mr. Matches. I have seen the miracle of his work. So when I feel I can't do it no more and I have had enough in this life, I remember this and I hand it over to My Heavenly Father because I know "GOD GOT THIS".