The Spotlight issue 1 The Spotlight Magazine Fall /Winter 2014 | Page 3

The Spotlight Magazine is an imvu based publication. We take pride in bringing you features and interesting articles that we think you will enjoy and may be important to you. It is also a way for us to show you, the imvu community, our support and our appreciation for all the hard work you do as designers, business owners or just members of the community here to have a good time. There is something here for everyone.

As you read thru the magazine please take note of any part of it that you would like to see your name or your designs. Maybe your a writer or would like to express yourself. Maybe you would like to place a GgT (God's got This) ad and share a testimony or some words of encouragement. Maybe you have a great public room that you took the time to decorate and bring to life. Maybe you have organized a group that you feel is fundamental to the community.....Consider The Spotlight as your neighborhood link, your networking headquaters. There is no charge to you to be featured.

Please enjoy the magazine and feel free to offer any feedback or ideas that you think would be a great addition.

Thank You For Reading......