The Spotlight issue 1 summer 2014 | Page 2

Hello IMVU Community and welcome to Summer 2014! Can you believe that we are halfway through the year! School has ended for summer break, vacations are being planned, Vacation Bible Schools has started, visits to the parks and beaches, and of course, we all are working on our summer looks. Summertime is a time of fun in the sun. In most neighborhoods, the voices of children playing fill the air, folks are taking summertime car rides to relax and observe the gardens in full bloom. Summertime is a time for R & R(rest and relaxation). This is so important for all of God's creatures to have rest and relaxation. The trees and plants, the animals, and yes, US, people.

By taking time for R & R, it allows US, people, to rejuvenate, reflect, energize and do things that we enjoy doing. This Spring has been a very busy season for many of us on IMVU, both here and in real. So I hope we all take some time this summer for that much needed R & R. Many of you will use your R & R time to travel, reconnect with friends, create your beautiful creations or just lay in the sun and soak up the rays. Whatever it is you do, please enjoy your R & R time.

Here at The SpotLight, we are always working to provide the community with excellent content and introductions to great designers of Fashions, Rooms and other services here on IMVU. We are grateful to you, the community for reading our magazine and providing us with your feedback.

As you turn the pages of The SpotLight, I hope you can feel our passion to provide the IMVU community with interesting and quality content. Know that this is a work of love for us.

So enjoy our magazine and I hope you all find time for the needed R & R this summer!


Editor in Chief