The Spotlight issue 1 September 2013 volume 1 | Page 79

The supplement called “ Asea ”.
It is an electrolyzed saline solution made from water and pharmaceutical salt which rearranges the molecules into the same molecules our bodies make to maintain our health , these are Redox Signaling molecules and the technology is backed by 31 secured patents .
By the time we are in our teens the body is not able to keep up the production needed and it slowly dwindles as we age . By the time we are around 40 yrs old our bodies are only making about 60 % and the # drops as we age . These molecules are in charge of all the maintenance in every cell in every organ in the body .
Let me further explain the production process and how the molecules work . The molecules help to produce three super enzymes in the cells that allow our bodies to utilize antioxidants . They are called Glutathione , Super Oxide Dismutase ( SOD or ATP ) and Catalase . If you are one to research information , simply Google the word HEP-C and anyone of these enzymes and you will see a direct link to how they benefit and assist in the body ' s progression to heal all disease . Research has further shown that using Asea increases bio-availability and the effectiveness of the body`s natural production of glutathione , as well as Super Oxide Dismutase ( SOD ) ( ATP ) and Catalase by 500 % and some studies show as high as 800 %. This is the key to staying healthy .
The owners of ASEA have been able to keep it out of the hands of the FDA due to the fact that ASEA does not meet the LD-50 requirement ( Lethal Dose ) like most drugs , and three major pharmaceutical companies have offered the ASEA company almost a billion dollars for their patents to their new technology -- probably , so that they could shelf it like they do with anything that actually addresses diseases or heals . In my opinion the FDA and the Pharmaceutical companies are one in the same , and they pay themselves to approve drugs that are designed to treat symptoms of diseases , but not the root causes of the diseases . In the end , this leads to a trail of destruction and only the side affects of diseases are being treated , and not the diseases themselves .
Here is more information about ASEA . Essentially , ASEA is new , and it has only been offered to the general public for the last three years . It is not sold in stores . It is sold via MLM ( multi-level marketing ). If it was sold in a store -- no one would know what it is or how to really use it . So , users share stories of its use among each other . There are a few blogs about ASEA . Some blogs speak on a testimonial level and the blogs depicts ASEA as a scam . However , when you do decide to visit blog sites where people are saying that ASEA is a scam ... most times , these are the people that are trying to protect their down lines for the miracle juices and life saving creams that they are selling . So when I visit these sites and try and talk hard-science with these people , they run back to the rocks they were previously hiding behind . I find too , that these people have never actually used the product , did not use it properly and / or long enough to see changes in how the body works . Some of them should have given it more time because things take time on a cellular level . Nothing is fast .
Now here are the problems when it comes to sharing Asea . It has to be sold by MLM ...... so of course right away the people that do not understand this type of marketing automatically think it must be some kind of a scam do to the general uneducated thoughts about MLM marketing . If it was sold in stores no one would know what it is or how to really to use it . It has to be shared from people that are actually using the product . Then there are the few Blog sites saying Asea is a scam . When you go to the blog sites where people are saying that Asea is a scam ... these are the people that are trying to protect their down lines for the miracle juices and life saving creams they are selling .
I go to all of these sites and try and talk hard science with these people and as soon as I do they run back into the alleys they came out of . These people have never actually used the product or did not use it properly and or long enough to see changes in how the body works .... Things take time on a cellular level .
I am going leave you a short video of a company that introduces new technology to doctors and health practitioners to give you an idea that this is a whole new ( category ) in Science when it comes to helping the body do what it does naturally " Heal ".... I have coached 16 people through their HEP-C treatments now and I have seen what these drugs ( Poisons ) do and it is never good . If you would like to have a look at the worlds # 1 expert in Redox Signaling then you will need to Google Dr Gary L . Samuelson , Ph . D . in Atomic / Medical Physics from the University of Utah and you can have a look at his teaching on Redox Signaling or ( ROS ) Reactive Oxygen spices . I find that most people would rather try to debunk this new technology without actually looking to see if it is true !!
Nonetheless , There are only two questions most people ask when It comes to ASEA and the technology that backs it . The first question isL Are Redox Signaling Molecules real ? The answer is yes , they are 100 % real and it is a proven science . The second question is : Does Asea hold secured patents on the technology , equipment and the chemical reactions that take place by using said equipment for the electrolysis of pharmaceutical grade salt and ultra pure water to produce an electrolyzed saline redox-balanced solution into a stable , non-toxic , antimicrobial electrolyzed saline solution ? The answer to that question is also yes . If you would like to have a look at the worlds number one expert about Redox Signaling , then you will need to Google " Dr Gary L . Samuelson , PhD in Atomic / Medical Physics from the University of Utah " and you can have a look at his teaching on Redox Signaling or ( ROS ) Reactive Oxygen Spices .
I find that most people would rather try to debunk this new technology without actually looking to see if it is true . So take a look for yourself , and you too , will find truths . So look around the internet as well , because there are testimonials from people from many different counties using ASEA and getting results . When it comes to any new product , as we all know , word of mouth is the best advertising and proven . I sincerely hope that this article has enlightened you regarding the ASEA product . If you have any questions , concerns or comments , please feel free to email me chs . aseasxm @ yahoo . com or visit my URL http :// chs . 3minutepeek . com