The Sportsmen's Advocate Summer 2022 | Page 9

The Biden administration ’ s most current proposal , however , lays the groundwork for additional lead prohibitions on refuges and provides a precedent to ban lead ammunition and tackle on all public lands .
The USFWS proposed a rule banning lead on new hunting and fishing opportunities on national wildlife refuges and called for a new study on the impacts of lead ammunition and tackle system-wide . While the USFWS referred to “ science ” in the rulemaking as a basis for this decision , the agency did not cite any actual studies on lead ammunition or tackle to support the decision .
“ The proposed lead ban on refuges kicks open the barn door to banning lead ammunition and tackle on all federal land , including national forests , Bureau of Land Management lands , national preserves and other areas ,” said Todd Adkins , vice president of government affairs for the Sportsmen ’ s Alliance . “ The North American wildlife model requires fish and game managers to use scientific evidence to support decision making , but this proposed rule has none of that .”
Bullets that contain lead in their construction are popular , effective and among the least expensive projectiles for deer .


A dangerous progression may include all federal and state public lands .
Given the government ’ s power to withhold federal funding to states , the Biden administration ’ s proposed lead ban could easily move from the National Wildlife Refuge System to all federal and state public lands . Here ’ s how :
File a Lawsuit Environmentalists file a sweeping lawsuit to end hunting and use of lead . The case gives the administration cover to implement something they covet anyway .
Enter Settlement Talks Agree to closed-door settlement talks under guise of “ it ’ s just policy .”
Propose and Pass a New Rule Initiate a new rule that satisfies environmentalists and applies only to future expansions of hunting and fishing opportunities .
Expand Rule to All Refuges Due to either confusion caused by a patchwork of regulations or the results of the proposed “ study ,” extend the lead ban to the entire refuge system .
Expand Rule to All Federal Land Leaning into the study and now-attained precedent , the lead ban can be extended by this or a future administration , or possibly another lawsuit by environmentalists .
Withhold State Funding The federal government can ’ t force states to do many things , such as set a universal speed limit . However , it can withhold federal funding from states that don ’ t meet certain “ guidelines .” Using that leverage , the federal government could extend the lead ban to all states by withholding funding , including dedicated federal excise-tax dollars , unless and until a lead ban is in place .
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