Westwood UMC:
mbers and Friends of
Open Letter to the Me
cil was together for
14, our Church Coun
Saturday, March 1, 20
tradition, the
our United Methodist
rning-long retreat. In
a mo
ngregation who
cted leaders of the co
h Council are the ele
ing the vision for the
lishing and implement
responsible for estab
ry productive time of
e church. It was a ve
on and ministry of th
Westwood. During
a vital future here at
ing and planning for
uncil discussed how
e members of the co
morning together, th
ns. A long-standthe
r words with our actio
rtant it was to align ou
es all people.” As a
church which “welcom
value is that ours is a
ted two resolutions:
cil unanimously adop
ult, the Church Coun
available to
estwood UMC shall be
• All ministries of W
all people.
ized to conood UMC are author
The clergy of Westw
ddings using church
duct same-gender we
heartfelt sharerately after a time of
tions were taken delib
at our congreThese ac
case can be made th
cussion. Indeed, the
– have been
ing and dis
d Methodist Church
and our beloved Unite
n brothers
gation –
with our gay and lesbia
how to be in ministry
g our goals is to
We believe that amon
rs for four decades.
s every child of
and siste
at values and welcome
a faith community th
C as that kind of
grow as
rience Westwood UM
st of us already expe
God. Mo
will help position our
This public affirmation
the future.
to grow and thrive in
ks out of its
it courageously spea
h is at its best when
at speaking
The Churc
We are convinced th
liefs and convictions.
. Our dedeepest be
rative at this moment
tice and grace is impe
e, in some
out for jus
same-gender marriag
n is deeply divided on
nce. Meannominatio
estruction and irreleva
en at the risk of self-d
rience of our
quarters ev
te, the common expe
ce, the laws of our sta
have ‘moved
while, scien
e community at large
and the outlook of th
nistry with any
we choose to be in mi
in west Los Angeles,
eir committed,
on.’ Here
ng Jesus a part of th
o seek to make followi
with our
people wh
ise would be at odds
onships. To do otherw
is congregaloving relati
understanding, and th
theology, our biblical
ard-looking leadersh
tion’s heritage of forw
uggled with how faith
n Church has long str
tory has
The Christia )