The SPIRE Autumn-Winter 2013 | Page 9

L E eanne was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Huntington Beach with her parents and two sisters. ngaged to Gary, a Deputy State Attorney General; they have two rescue dogs, a 5-year-old Golden Retriever named Simba and a 4-year-old Maltese-Poodle mix named Princess. Marriage and starting a family are in the works for next year. few of her volunteer positions include California-Pacific Annual Conference UMW President (for the past four years), Annual Conference Co-Secretary (the first layperson to hold this position), Board of Trustees Secretary, Navigation Essential Ministry Team, Immigration Task Force, Bishop’s Border Ministry Team, and West District Secretary. ew highlight of last year was when she was elected as one of 988 General Conference delegates representing our Conference in Tampa, Florida. She was also a Western Jurisdictional Delegate and was recently elected as the Western Jurisdiction Conference Secretary as well as serving on the Western Jurisdiction Leadership Team. ear and dear to her heart is Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. She was the 2012 Volunteer of the Year for the Los Angeles Affiliate Office of Susan G. Komen. As a breast cancer survivor, finding a cure is a top priority for her and her family. She also donates time as a member of the Board of Directors for the Methodist Hospital of Southern California, which incorporates spiritual healing as part of the nurturing care offered. xcited about her hobbies, which include dancing, exercising, eating at the newest and hottest restaurants, and reading (not necessarily in that order)! She loves Westwood A N N E DEEP CHRISTIAN LOVE, passion for the reign of God, profound vision for the future of the Church of Christ, joyful heart: these are but a few of the thoughts that go through my mind as I think of Leanne. As Conference President of the United Methodist Women, as Co-Secretary of our Annual Conference, as a leader at our Immigration and Bor- der Concerns table – these are some of the places where I have been blessed to work with Leanne. She is always a clear voice, an encourag- er, and a challenger. She does not allow us to be mediocre in our work; she expects excellence, for excellence is what she gives and what she believes that God deserves. Throughout it all, her love of Christ and others shines through and flows upon us all. Thanks be to God for Leanne Nakanishi. I am praying for her, for the church, and for the world as God leads her to yet other places of service.” —Bishop Minerva Carcaño church dearly as so many friends inspire her with sharing their faith, hope, and love in action. Leanne’s term as President of the Conference’s United Methodist Women is coming to an end this fall, but her leadership is influencing the formation of a UMW unit at Westwood UMC. When you see Leanne, offer her a word of thanks for all that she has done, and continues to do, to enrich us all. Bette Caldwell is Assistant Principal, Secondary Counseling Services, at San Pedro High School. She has served as Editor of The Spire and the Los Angeles District page of Circuit West, as well as Chi State News, a publication of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International. She has been a member of Westwood UMC since 1964. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN AT WESTWOOD Mark your calendars for these important dates: Saturday, November 16 at 10 a.m. a gathering to talk about the 2014 year Tentative Dates for 2014: January 11 • May 17 9