The SPIRE Autumn-Winter 2013 | Page 5

regarding faith and how it guides one’s life. Some have been agnostic, some have been spiritual but are “unchurched.” No one has ever ridiculed my beliefs, even if they are skeptical. Many people I find are seeking answers and actually appreciate an opportunity to discuss these matters. I also have several actor friends who are active in their respective faiths. One is a soloist for Evensong in her Episcopal church. One is Jewish, and always gets an understudy for performances which coincide with High Holy Days. Another invited me to celebrate her birthday at a party thrown by her church. Yes, you can be religious and an actor. ...NO, BUT I PLAY ONE ON TELEVISION gia, and Decatur, Alabama. My route to Los Angeles was a bit convoluted. I was working as a pharmaceutical salesperby Gregory Norton son in St. Louis when my company was Los Angeles residents are used to bought out. Being found to be “redunsidewalk sightings of celebrities and dant,” I decided to take a shot at acting movie stars. But the ranks of Westwood’s as a career in New York. In New York, I Chancel Choir may not be among the started working with a theater director most obvious places to look for one of and his production company. When he Hollywood’s working actors. Janet came to Los Angeles, he encouraged me Q: What do you think is the public’s Hoskins’ IMDb page lists credits rangto come out here and work. I followed the biggest misconception about working ing from independently-produced ‘shorts’ advice in 1999, and here I am. in television? to well-known network television shows Unfortunately, the current trend like The Office and Law and Order. If you Q: Are there ways that your faith and in reality TV has fostered the impreslike to watch television, maybe you’ll be your work as an actor overlap? sion that you can become instantly surprised to find one of Through the years, I famous. But even reality show stars had our own Layleaders in a have contributed my acting to audition for their shows and had to scene! skills to the churches where be approved by a network or production I have belonged. I have company. When working as a casting asQ: How did you get directed small skits for sistant, I have met people with no acting started acting? worship services, and have experience who were auditioning because My first job after coldone a number of readings “it would be fun to be an actor.” It is fun, lege was in Jackson, Tenand reader’s theater. There but it is a job. You have to show up on nessee, a small city with have been several plays time, know your lines, and do the job. a very active community through the years in which And it’s not a nine-to-five job, either. On theater group. One F????fR&VV?6?VBF?6????R6??r?v?&?VB????6??F??R?F?P?F?W&Rv2??F?6R??F?P?G&?'WFR????2?"67&?GW&RF??Rf?"?RF?6??RF?v?&??v2b????W"F?BF?W?vW&R?g&VF??w2&?&?FRF???B?F?B??BvWBF?F?R6WBV?F??"????rVF?F???2f?"&?F?R?FW&??????FS???WN( ?27V6??2F?Rv???W"?b????v??B?GV7F????b?V??6????( ?2F?Rv??BF?7F?"?f??6R6?&R?V&B??vW7Gv??N( ?2vVV?????B?W7B6VV?F?R????%2?6??6R??6W&????F67G2?B??f&??W2f?FV?????F???rV?6S???Bf?F6??VB&?WB&V??r?7F?"6??6R&?GV7F???2?&V?WfR?B?"??B?7F??r?2'B?b??p????VB?'2?6?F6?W2??F?R6V6??@??f?V?BvW7Gv??BT?2?v?V??f?'7@?w&FR??vV?B?BVF?F???VB??v?B'B???2?B?76?&?RF?&R( ??WN( ?2W'6??6?RF???g&?V?B?B?RG&?fR???F??F?BF?R6??r?BF?R'Vr&?B???bf?F???????v??C??VF?F???2F??V&??v?&?V?B?gFW ??F?????B?2???^( ?2f?F?ffV7G2??^( ?0??VF?F?????6?F????6?vR6?P??v?W&RF?B??Rw&?rW?v?@?v?&??6??f?F??2?v?2ffV7FV@?&6?f?v??6??&R&?V?Wf&B?F?W&R?6p?'&?Vv?B??RF???2?vV?W3??F?F?Rv????6V?6?F?fR?FW&??????F??2&VWF?gV?6?W&6??v??6?GW&?VB?W@??w&WrW??7F???6?GF???v??FF?F??????fR?B6??RfW'???FW&W7GF?&R?WF??F?7B?6?RF?R?W?B7V?F??FV??W76VR?v?F?6???W&?2??&??R?vV?"???r6??fW'6F???2v?F?7F?"g&?V?G0??B?7F?VB?F?Bv2?????P??