The Spice Magazine January 2015 | Page 14

Describe a day in the life

of Huda Kattan.

It is fun in spite of the large number of responsibilities, but if I lose the fun I will look for something else that will make me happy. I usually wake up and go to the office with my three-year-old daughter Noor, as I make sure to take her with me everywhere. I usually find stacked boxes at work with new beauty products that manufacturers send to try and use in the blog. I also write and answer a lot of e-mails, contemplate offers to participate in projects and then decide what I want to do. I always look for what’s new and exciting in the world of cosmetics in order to show them to my followers. I am also considering releasing new products from “Huda Beauty”.

What is the best part of your job?

Meeting people and making friends! It is a pleasure to get to know clients and listen to their stories, especially since I come from another background. They have helped ​​me understand this community better. I’ve quit being a personal makeup artist, except for some prominent figures of the UAE society such as members of the ruling family, and visiting celebrities like Kimora Lee Simmons, whose rebellious personality I loved.

Now what amazes me is to meet scientists, doctors, and pharmacists and knowing the theories that relate to my work, such as skin, hair and nails, and others. I’m no longer satisfied with just products and results. I have a thirst for understanding how the product works and the combinations that lead it to work properly and safely.

Please tell us about the line of false eyelashes you released with Sephora, and its success story.

I was looking for lashes with specific features, like natural looks and made with materials that would be gentle on the eyelids and eyes. But I did not find that in the market, and decided to make them according to my own standards. We manufactured the samples and began marketing them. We knocked on many companies’ doors, but they refused to fund our project. We were insistent that our product was better than others, and finally received an approval from Sephora. The eyelashes were released in all of Sephora’s branches in Dubai and they were a huge success. This was the first step and there are more surprises on the way.

How do you define success? And how does once achieve it?

I believe that success lies in the feeling of contentment. There are spaces within us, when filled with the right things we feel true success and happiness. Each of us has a goal in life, and when we recognize them and start our first steps towards them we feel successful. I think that every woman and little girl could reach the same success when they discover what they really want to do with their lives.