The Spellery Vol 10 Dec. 2015 | Page 2

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CoverArt By

Anne Stokes

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Page 5

Merry Krampus?

Page 6

The Bean Toss

Page 8

The Dead Of Winter

Page 12

The Goddess Enelne : A Poem

Page 13

Authenticity : A Poem

Page 14

What Will Break A Witch's Heart

Page 17

The Witch's Sabbat - Yule

Page 18

Etiary, A New Social Media Site

Page 20

Spellcasting with Mama Eva

Page 22

Reflections On Life

Page 24

Your Monthly Horoscope

Page 28

Natalia Crow

Page 31

Peace & Harmony Spell

Page 32

Our Forgotten Duality