The Spellery Issue 2 Vol 9 Nov 2016 | Page 2

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Page 4

Goddess Prayer

By Jade-Sword

Page 5

Clearing Your Love Path

By Mama Eva

Page 6

The Witch Hat

By Ramblings of A Rainbow Witch

Page 8

Smudging & Herbs

By Jade-Sword

Page 10

Questioning Phobias

White Masked Metaphyscics

Page 12

Protecting Pets This Winter

GKS Media

Page 14

Buy Safe This Season

GKS Media

Page 15

The Spellery Puzzle Page

Page 16

Spellcasting Using Nature

By Mama Eva

Page 17

Deconstructing Neg. Thought Forms

By Eilfie Music Edwards

Page 18

Understanding Myths

By Hesperides Garden