The SpecialMoms Parenting Magazine Issue 5 | Page 34

Talk Is Cheap and Ensures the Best Financial Strategy for Your Family Communication is Essential To ensure the best possible outcome when planning the financial future of your loved ones, strive for open and honest conversations with family members and the professionals whose guidance you seek. Be sure everyone on your strategy team—your financial services professional, your attorney, and others— has all the facts. Without such communication, mistakes are likely to occur in your financial strategy. As time passes, situations change, so keep the conversations going. Put These Strategy Tools Up for Discussion When developing a strategy to ensure the overall well-being of a person with special needs, certain tools (such as those described below) may be used. Ensure that everyone knows the strategy, how it works, and the role he or she plays. Wills, Policies, and Investments with Named Beneficiaries Many parents with wills bequeath their assets “to all my children equally.” It may seem the easiest and fairest option, but if one of the children has special needs, that directive could hand down trouble. Having personal assets in excess of $20,001 will disquali- fac X